Thursday, November 05, 2015

Flag Football

We have played soccer for the last few years, and Cooper (as well and Mom and Dad), was ready for something else. So we decided to try flag football. Cooper really seemed to enjoy it, but being such a complex game, I am not sure he knew what he was doing all the time. But he was always smiling, so it was a success.

Here are a few shots from the season.

Almost sacked the quarterback
 Got Him
 Hand off
 Trying to tackle his friend Ethan
 I think you are suppose to go from the flag, buddy
 Got it
 Another Hand off
The smile
 Lauren was always helpful- with Dad marking the downs
 See also had a grand old time collecting sticks, and play with Ethan's little Brother Cody
 Cooper had a great time, and I think he will want to play again... Now I have to prepare myself for Lauren playing soccer. She has been asking to play for about a year. We were able to put it off, by reminding her Cooper did not start playing until he was 5. I know she will have fun, I just am not sure if she is ready to follow the coach's instructions.... or just run around chasing butterflies :). Not that there is anything wrong with chasing butterflies, just not at the expense of another adults sanity.

Monday, November 02, 2015

Halloween Fun

We love Halloween.... what other day can you dress in amazing costumes and get lots of candy.

        This year, as all years we were all over the board on costumes. Cooper had ideas of were ninja, then maybe a superhero. Finally a few days before Mom's given deadline he went with Snake Eyes, a character from G.I. Joe. Lauren was determined to be Elsa, but we tried very hard to change that since we knew there would be thousands of Elsa's. Thankfully one look at a rainbow tutu and we were sold on the My Little Pony costume.
She was very happy with her choice, as you can see from Joel's facebook post.

Stayed around to take kids to school today. Lauren had this brilliant, confident smile when she got all dressed up in her costume.
When she walked into her classroom, she just paused at the door and stood while everyone checked her out. One little boy, dressed as Thor, said "Lauren you look BEAUTIFUL!"
I threw a sack over that kid's head and roughed him up behind the preschool. He was surprisingly tough for 4 years old.

   We had a jammed packed weekend.  Friday night we meet up with some friends (Tim's Family), and rode around the neighborhood looking at the cool decorations.  Getting up Saturday to get a few new books at the library, and then a sponsored bike ride that ended in ice cream.  After watching a movie we headed out to Trick or Treat.  We all had a great time.

Snake Eyes
 My Little Pony - Rainbow Dash
 Mom with the kids (I believe Joel stated I was the Queen Bee : ) 
 Lauren with Jake from State Farm
 Lauren showing off the back of her costume.
After school earlier this week we were able to get to in a quick trip to the pumpkin patch. Here are a few shoots from there. Luckily we had a beautiful day, and a very little crowd.

 I am not sure Lauren understands the point of the cut outs :)