This time of year is always so crazy with school, and sports , and just life, so it was nice to get a break and go and celebrate Thanksgiving in Oklahoma this year. So we loaded up on Tuesday and headed south. The drive was not too bad and the kids were rock stars the whole way, with one a few minutes here or there where intervention was necessary.
And loading them up with sugar is always a good idea.
Obi was probably the best behaved of the bunch.... my cute boys :)
Thanksgiving day, we did not have to be to Cousin Kim and Barry's house until about noon, so to help the cause, we loaded up the kids and one dog and headed down the street to hike around the lake near Frumpy and Yak's house. It was a really great hike for the kids having very little elevation, but rocks to scamper on, and just enough technical things to keep it interesting. All the kids did great and we ending up doing a little over 2 miles on our morning Turkey Trot.
All the kids had climbed up on this rock
The Beautiful Lake - Martha and Jack's house is on the other side from where this pic was taken
Hard to see, but Obi is leading the charge up the hill, with Lauren, Cooper, Skylar and Reese following
After getting back to the house and cleaning up, we headed over to Kim and Barry's house, and fun was had by all. It is really great that so many in the family were able to get together. We sadly did not get to taking pictures until some of the group had already dispatched, so this is only part of the party.
And this is after about 7 kiddos had left
Our Bunch, missing Obi and Lily
Action shot of the boys playing football - (L to R) Ty, Kaden, Zack and Cooper
No Trip is complete without going to the barn to see goats and kitties
Amy, who was generous enough to take all the pics, snapped a good one of Joel and I
On Friday, we headed over to the farm to feed some cow, run around on some hay bales, and get to drive the 4 wheeler. It was a really great trip, and a good reminder on how blessed we are. 

Lauren is ready for her turn
Hay bales are fun
Finally - the must have to every trip to OK - Braums Banana Split