Thursday, May 22, 2008

Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains...

O - K - L - A - H - O - M - A!

With our typical spring adventure oriented vacation put on hold for Thor's benefit, we decided we'd take some time and head back to Oklahoma to see families, friends, and of course the cows (which are somewhere between friends and family). We flew into OKC, then headed north to the land of Jill, Bartlesville, OK.

We spent some time with Jill's family, got to have lunch with BK, Amy & Ty and also got to see Grandma Vi before we headed south. Probably be our last visit to BVille, as Jim & Judy appear on the brink of being out of there. Some pics from the visit:

Jill and Grandma Vi, the youngest 91 year old I've ever met

Jill, Judy and Jim posing in Jim's perfectly manicured yard

She could have done better

After that we stopped through Tulsa, all too briefly, to catch up with some friends. Blake & Charla just had Vivian 5 weeks ago, but she was a trooper. I think it might have been my boring stories that caused her to sleep silently through dinner, but either way she was on superb baby behavior. The Doerrs, Jason & Jennifer Brandt and Jill & I grabbed some dinner at Red Rock Canyon Grill and caught up. No pics from dinner, I was too busy shoveling corn bread into my mouth.

One of these women is 7 months pregnant. The other just had a baby 5 weeks ago.
Neither of them look like it.

After that we headed down to Oklahoma City. As always, Georgia was gracious enough to let us stay with her. After a nice night's rest, we got up and headed out Sunday morning to go check the cows. Its like seeing long lost friends, some of these cows have been around as long as I can remember.

The herd begins and ends with its matriarch, Penelope

This was a really cute baby that wasn't camera shy

Martha discusses the day with Patsy and her new baby

These two argue about who the real boss is

Jill gets some parenting advice from P

Another cute and curious baby

Jill and Tuxedo exchange hellos

A good trip, and even better to come home to 7 days off before embarking on the next leg of my working adventure. I've got a new job, new responsibilities (baby needs some new shoes!) and lots of adventures so getting rested up is a welcome thing. Of course, my idea of resting is being on the bike for 5 hours a day.

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