Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Lauren's own blog post

Last weekend when I was up talking with Mr. and Mrs. Punisher, I told them how hard it is to get pictures of the second kid when you've got a (hyper) active first child. I typically take Cooper and play ball or go to the park or ride bikes while Jill keeps Lauren fed and happy. Its quite difficult to get Lauren, clean and posed and a picture taken before Cooper has gotten into something.

BUT there are a few occasions when we've gotten Cooper down to bed or in a semi-controlled state and we can snap a few pics of our baby girl, who is getting big in a hurry.

She has an amazing smile

And got a kiss from Cooper

Lauren started "eating" real foods some too. Here she was torn on if she should ingest the graham cracker or use it for a facial, which she choose isn't immediately clear.

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