I love to travel. It feeds my soul. I knew that we needed to get our bunch out of the last few months of funk, so we decided to travel this Thanksgiving. Looking at our options, we chose to go to Sedona, AZ . Joel and I had visited there many years before, and Joel had gone with some buddies a few years earlier on a mountain biking trip. So we knew that there were lots of things to do, and the kids would love it. Finding a place to stay was a little harder, but thankfully the week before Thanksgiving a nice house , that allowed the super pooch to travel with us opened up. After we booked it ,I started looking at how many people the house could hold - and it was large :). So I decided to see if Mom and Dad wanted to come too, since I get my travel gene from my Momma! And they also knew they needed to get moving again. So the weekend before Thanksgiving we headed out to New Mexico.... which I have never been too before. The drive to Sedona is about 12 hours, but we decided to break it into two days, staying in Santa Fe Saturday night. It was interesting. The state has been shut down in a very harsh way. It was like a ghost town when I was walking the dog, and finding food became a challenge. My heart hurts for the people in the town being locked down so harshly. I pray daily this pandemic will be defeated soon.
So the next morning we started making our way to Sedona. Since we only had a 6 hour drive I thought we should stop somewhere and hike. We saw on the map the Petrified Forest National Park, and thought that would work. We were able to get out and stretch the legs for about 45 mins. It was interesting to see the buttes and it was a beautiful place in it's on way.
Lauren (9), Jill, Cooper (12), and Obi (4) at Petrified Forest
After getting the kinks out we headed on the Sedona. Joel started looking for something on the map. We were passing right by Winslow, AZ. So now we had to stop. And I must say our kids did not know the song, so we need to work on our musically history lessons.
Standing on a Corner in Winslow, Arizona
A few short hours later we make it to Sedona, and the rental house was lovely with a big yard for the kids and dog. The next morning we decided to hike at Cathedral Rock. It was beautiful and crowded. I personally was thrilled to see everyone getting out a living life.
Cathedral Rock - we hiked about a third of the way up - was too rocky for Obi
All three little ones enjoyed scrambling on the rocks