Thursday, August 13, 2009

Coop's 1 year checkup

In what seems like a blur, we've gone from being two naive people having no idea to raise a kid to being two tired people who have no idea how to control a 1 year old. Cooper had his 1 year appointment this week, and in what has become a tradition Jill took some pics from his appointment at the doctor. These diaper-only pics are pretty amusing to compare over the year.

The basics are the kid is still tall and skinny. Measured out at 30.5 inches and 21 pounds, though we all agree he certainly feels like he weighs more.

Some pics from the visit:

From Cooper one year appt

From Cooper one year appt

From Cooper one year appt

From Cooper one year appt

From Cooper one year appt

And two pics of Cooper sporting some of his new birthday clothes.

From Cooper one year appt

From Cooper one year appt

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