Sunday, June 17, 2012

Hiking through the burn zone, while another burn starts

The last few years have been a matter of not if the wildfires were going to start, but when and where. Last year on Memorial Day we were hiking in Boulder when we looked north and saw a huge plume of smoke coming from north of the Flat Irons. That fire would go on to be known as the "Four mile Fire" and burned a lot of structures and a place that we had hiked in the past. In our first visit back to the park post-burn, in an eery coincidence as we were leaving we saw a big plume of smoke to the north, a fire which is still burning and called the High Park Fire.

In the Bald Mountain area, signs of both destruction and rebuilding were abundant. We did a nice little loop and then headed back home. Pictures from our day out.

Cooper and Lauren posing at one of the benches along our way
From Bald Mountain Hike

Jill joins in
From Bald Mountain Hike

A good gig if you can get it
From Bald Mountain Hike

Cooper leads the charge
From Bald Mountain Hike

Pseudo family photo
From Bald Mountain Hike

Cooper checking out the flowers
From Bald Mountain Hike

Cooper in full sprint chasing something
From Bald Mountain Hike

Coop looks out across the burn zone
From Bald Mountain Hike

Cooper does big arms in front of some scorched trees
From Bald Mountain Hike

A real smile for once
From Bald Mountain Hike

Checking out some burned up bark
From Bald Mountain Hike

Holding hands with my girl
From Bald Mountain Hike

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