From Cooper crawling around |
A bit of a roller coaster week, glad to have it in the rear view. Started things off by flying out Sunday night, which felt weird and things just spiraled out of control from there. Sure felt good to get back to CO, even better than most weeks...
Wednesday was the apex. In about a 15 minutes span I went from enjoying a tasty brown sugar cinnamon Pop Tart to being jaw dropped as I saw information rolling across FB.
Laid off from a company I used to work at: Tracy....then Duke....then Jake.
3 days later I still don't really profess to understand what went down, but before it could even sink in I found myself being called into a conference room. Found out that my project was being, at least temporarily, cutback with major changes in staffing including me losing both my technical resources that report to me.
Started having flashbacks to the last time the powers that be decided to shake things up. Ultimately that day is what pushed Jill and I to relocate to Colorado, making something very good out of what was one of the darker days I've been a part of. Admittedly, Wednesday I was scatterbrained all day. Focus was minimal and I found myself really sad that I was stuck in Calgary while the whole family was headed to the OSU/CU game.
Found some therapy in the form of the bike trainer, which helps me take the edge off on stressful days. Still sorting through it all and digesting, but all that is certainly an easier task in the thin air back home than on the road. MJ and Yack's visit is now over, but the weekend is not which is a very welcome thing. Couple days at the house, another two trips up to the frigid north and then a much needed week at home.
About the time it all starts to go from a boil to a nice simmer, Blake drops another bombshell on Facebook....3rd kid on the way!
And to lighten the mood, some pics of the wonder kid from last week...
From Cooper crawling around |
From Cooper crawling around |
From Cooper crawling around |
From Cooper crawling around |