Thursday, November 16, 2006

What are you up against?

It seems that all the Boulder County cyclists have gone from competition mode to rest and now are ramping back up. While I haven't been in competition mode by any stretch, but 3 weeks deep into my base work for the 2007 season I feel like its an uphill battle trying to manage my time. I commented on Pivvay's Blog recently about how I couldn't imagine how he had enough time/energy/etc to do all the training he does. I think it comes down to perspective, and that we all play the hand we are dealt the best we can.

This week my friend and ex-coworker Jake lost his father suddenly, and I have been impressed and amazed at how he has handled the situation. I wondered if I could be as strong and collected, but I think we all rise to the occasion when we are required to do so.

Reading about Boulder Pro Nick Martin embarking on the early stages of 400 Hours of base preparation sounded impossible to me. But then at the end of the post, I clicked through on a link that puts everything into perspective. Real perspective about what the human spirit is really capable of when it needs to be.

So take the time and click through to this link and read an article about a father's love and dedication to his son.
Read the story and watch the video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Damn you Joel White, I'm sitting here at work crying like a baby. It's so embarrassing!