Tonight's find? A pagoda strangely enough. At first I thought "Man I must be fast" but then I couldn't remember crossing any large bodies of water so I realized I was still close to home. No real explanation about why or the significance of it, but there it was in its 4 story splendor, so I felt compelled to take a pic with the Niner.
After that I found a tiny bit of urban singletrack that I cruised up and down, launching off all the rocks I could find. Hopping back on the bike path I rode a mix of pavement and gravel, but all on the path far removed from the cars racing around town. And since it was such a nice day and I was out for an easy ride I goofed around and took some arm-extended self portraits. No amount of Photoshop work can help this ugly mug...
After that I made the turn back home, but kept glancing over my shoulder as the sunset changed every time I looked. A vibrant hole to the heavens let through a bright white light while Long's Peak was shrouded with ominous looking clouds.
Finally hitting the last mile or so before home, I stopped to grab one more pic before the last climb (which always seems bigger on a singlespeed bike) back to the neighborhood. Got in a nice little hour trek across town, covering about 12 miles which is about as much as I can cover with my "trail" gear of 32x20 on right now.
Tonight wasn't about hammering miles or Zone 2, it was just about getting out and enjoying the life I've been given, and life is good. Now go live it.
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